Mailchimp Alternative - Get Started Free | FireDrum Email Marketing

Looking for a Mailchimp Alternative?

Ditch The Chimp - Meet FireDrum
Get industry-leading email deliverability, live phone support and much more when you choose FireDrum over Mailchimp®

How do our prices compare with Mailchimp?

Monthly plans FireDrum Mailchimp Mailchimp
No charge for unsubscribed contactsYESNO
Up to 2,500 subscribers $17.50/mo. & Unlimited Email Sends $34/mo. & 500K Email Sends
Up to 5,000 subscribers $27.50/mo. & Unlimited Email Sends $59/mo. & 500K Email Sends
Up to 10,000 subscribers $42.50/mo. & Unlimited Email Sends $87/mo. & 500K Email Sends
Up to 25,000 subscribers $97.50/mo. & Unlimited Email Sends $225/mo. & 500K Email Sends
Up to 50,000 subscribers $147.50/mo. & Unlimited Email Sends $299/mo. & 500K Email Sends
View full pricing

What about our features, compared with Mailchimp?

Features FireDrum Mailchimp Mailchimp
Migration and list import assist
Dedicated Account Managers
Drag-and-drop Editor
Free Image Database
Email Previews Additional Cost
Automation & Segmenting
Stock Photos & Email Templates
Sign up forms & integrations
Autoresponders & scheduled emails
Email Newsletters
Tracking and campaign reports
A/B Split Testing
Unlimited contact custom fields
Image Hosting
Live Phone Support Premium Plan Only
Chat & Email SupportChat & Email Support Included in ALL Plans.Free Plan Only 30 Days of Email Support. Other Plans Include Chat & Email.
View all features

It's easy to switch from Mailchimp to FireDrum

We provide free assistance to new accounts for list migrations and imports - just give us a call or send us a message in chat!

Outstanding Customer Support


FireDrum Email Marketing recognized in Email Marketing based on user reviews

Forget automated chat bots! Our exceptional live chat and email support team is here for you when you need it most.


Customer Satisfaction Rating

Personalized Solutions (and counting!)

FireDrum Is The Better Mailchimp Alternative

No more monkey business for these happy customers!

"FireDrum really makes campaigns easy to set up with the drag-and-drop interface. I'm impressed that they are nearly half the cost of Mailchimp with an equally professional system."

Christopher S.
Product Owner

"I switched to Firedrum six months ago because the system I was using was cumbersome and expensive. I have not been disappointed! It's much easier to use, more affordable and the customer service is very responsive. I made the right choice and have recommended to friends with small businesses."

Holly Padove
Balanced Living, Owner

Extreme Aerial Productions

"I switched from a large provider based on the savings, but since the switch, I could not be more satisfied with their products and services! From excellent customer service and attentive support to impressive features and advanced reporting options, I can't say enough about FireDrum!"

Kalin Driscoll
Marketing Director

Extreme Aerial Productions

"Having used Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and iContact - I find that FireDrum has been the easiest to work with. They are very responsive and support has been amazing!"

Mark Taylor


You’ll never know unless you try it

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