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Date Activated Email Marketing Triggers

Date Activated Email Marketing Triggers

Many businesses use trigger emails to get closer to their customers. This email marketing strategy is relatively convenient and, if used well, can help your business become more successful. There are multiple kinds of trigger emails, one of them being date-based... Read More
Lead Nurturing Strategy Development Tips

Lead Nurturing Strategy Development Tips

From the outside looking in, it can often seem like email marketing is like a career in fishing: cast the net wide and hope you catch something good. But true marketing professionals know that successful selling is actually about connecting, nurturing and building a... Read More
Why Should Email Marketing Templates Be Responsive?

Why Should Email Marketing Templates Be Responsive?

Google’s recent major algorithm change, dubbed “Mobilegeddon”, was focused on rewarding mobile-friendly websites by ranking them higher in searches. For many, it was a change long overdue; internet searches on a smartphone or a mobile device are much higher than those... Read More
How to Avoid Gmail’s Block Button

How to Avoid Gmail’s Block Button

The goal of Gmail’s new “block” button is to keep user inboxes free from spam content. But Google has left it up to each Gmail user to decide which emails are spam and which are legitimate. This makes navigating the block button a tricky task for... Read More
Analyze the Impact of Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Analyze the Impact of Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Analysis is definitely not the “fun” part of any sales or marketing campaign. It doesn’t feel creative in the same way that designing or even sending a campaign can feel. Yet once you understand the power of the analysis phase, you may actually look... Read More
Using A/B Testing to Improve Marketing Campaigns

Using A/B Testing to Improve Marketing Campaigns

Using A/B Testing to Improve Marketing Campaigns In the marketing and advertising industry, the most important keys to success are research and testing. In the hit television series Mad Men, ad executives can often be seen holding focus groups on just about every... Read More
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