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Holiday Email Marketing Tips and Tricks

Holiday Email Marketing Tips and Tricks

Holiday Email Marketing Tips and Tricks The holiday season is the busiest time of year for most businesses. Over the past couple of years, many retailers have seen an exponential jump in online sales. Because more people are shopping online during the holiday season,... Read More
Why Keeping it Simple Makes the Best Holiday Email

Why Keeping it Simple Makes the Best Holiday Email

It's very likely that you're on your favorite brands' email lists. And during the holidays, you probably noticed an increase in emails you received from them. These emails usually have offers, coupons, notifications, and other methods of reaching out to you. Most of... Read More
Email Marketing ROI: The Pros and Cons of High Rates

Email Marketing ROI: The Pros and Cons of High Rates

The best thing about return on investments for email marketing can also be the worst thing. The average email marketing ROI is $38 for each $1 spent, according to several recent worldwide studies. This is a much higher rate than any other form of marketing available... Read More
Permission Based Email Marketing: What Marketers Should Know

Permission Based Email Marketing: What Marketers Should Know

Permission based email marketing is a concept everyone can relate with – whether you’re a marketer or not. Let’s start with a quick definition. Permission based email marketing means that a company receives consent from a subscriber to send them commercial email... Read More
Getting Your Golf Club Ready with Email Marketing

Getting Your Golf Club Ready with Email Marketing

Utilizing Smart Email Marketing Tactics for Your Golf Course Email marketing in the golf world can have some excellent results. From building a reputation to gaining and retaining subscribers email marketing is the way to go. This can help you get personal with your... Read More
How to Grow Your Restaurant Business with Email Marketing

How to Grow Your Restaurant Business with Email Marketing

Are you searching for a way to reach new people and grow your restaurant business? Marketers across the industry boast that the best and most cost-effective way to build any business is through email marketing. In this day and age, social media ads run rampant, with... Read More
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