5 Email Marketing Tips for the Holidays | FireDrum Email Marketing

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5 Email Marketing Tips for the Holidays


The holiday season is almost here, so it's time to start planning! Email marketing is a proven and reliable strategy for promoting special offers during the holidays. Because it's such a tried and true method, you'll need to figure out the best way to keep an edge over your competitors.

Scary Good Email Marketing Tips for Halloween

In this article, we'll go over some of the best ways to use email marketing for the holidays.

Download Our Free Guide!

Don't let the holidays sneak up on you! Download Our 2019 Holiday Email Guide to learn all of the tips and tricks to get the most out of your holiday email sends. 

1. Plan Your Campaigns in Advance

Many marketers make the mistake of setting up their email campaigns at the last-minute. You should start preparing and sending campaigns at least a month before the holidays start. Sending that early can help you get to know what your customers want so you can design your holiday sales around that and get more ROI.

Planning your email campaigns ahead of time can also be an excellent way for you to be able to focus on responding to your subscribers and helping them instead of hastily designing your next email.

2. Be Creative

During the holiday season, your subscribers are always getting advertised to, and everywhere they look, they'll see an ad. You have to design email campaigns that will stand out in a crowd. Being creative with your emails is one great way to separate yourself from the competition.

There are several ways to be creative with email marketing. One way is to create a drip series. Creating a series of emails can help you count down to the holiday sale, show off a ton of products, or even have daily discounts. Be sure to create great subject lines and preheaders, so your subscribers will want to open your emails. Most importantly, have themed festive content for the holiday season.

3. Capitalize on Your Mobile Audience

Recent studies show that in 2019, nearly 80% of people browse the internet on mobile devices. Be sure that your email designs are mobile responsive. When an email is mobile responsive, it automatically resizes to fit the screen that it's been opened on. We've created a vast library of free, mobile-responsive email marketing templates that you can use with any account.

More than 50% of conversions happen on mobile devices, so make sure that your website is also mobile-responsive. If you're interested in a no-cost analysis of your website, contact us now! 

Scary Good Email Marketing Tips for Halloween

4. Remind Your Customers About Upcoming Holiday Sales

A simple reminder can leave a lasting impression on your subscribers. Send email reminders of your upcoming holiday sales before holidays like Black Friday or Cyber Monday. Send emails that are short and sweet, teasing your promotions. Don't forget to plan out your email campaigns, so your spending more time interacting with clients and less time getting your next email ready.

You can also resend your email campaigns to those that haven't opened with different subject lines to increase your open rates.

5. Test Different Ways of Marketing

When you start your holiday email marketing early, it gives you plenty of time to test out different styles of email. When you know what works best, you can stick with that style and refine it to get the best CTR (click-through rate) with your subscribers. 

We suggest that you use A/B testing, a feature that lets you send out two separate email designs to a small part of your audience, determine what one had more opens and clicks, and then send the winner to the rest of your audience. We also recommend that you test different styles of subject lines and preheaders (blog link) to see what your audience responds to the best.

It's Time to Get Started!

The holiday season is just around the corner! Above are some great tips to help you get started, but there's always more to learn. Ready to get started? Sign up for a free account now!

Download Our Free Guide!

Don't forget our guide! Read all about the best practices to market in the holidays and make 2020 the year you win email marketing! What are you waiting for? Download our 2019 Holiday Email Guide now!

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